Estill Voice Training®

Estill Voice Training® teaches you to understand, feel, and control how your voice works. Estill’s practical, scientifically-proven practice tools help you access the vocal resonance and range you want for different singing styles, onstage character voices, and a healthy daily speaking voice. Estill Voice Training® gives you confidence that your speaking and singing voice will always be ready to respond to any challenge you may face.

With Estill Voice Training® You Can:

  • Learn to sing in different vocal styles (Belt, opera, twang, falsetto, or speech)
  • Extend your vocal range
  • Intensify your vocal power
  • Get louder or softer without strain
  • Maintain your vocal health or rehabilitate your voice after vocal injury
  • Seamlessly navigate your vocal breaks/passagi
  • Coordinate breath and voice use
  • Understand the anatomy and physiology of how your voice works
  • Access different vocal choices
  • See and hear when you are producing the sounds you want with the use of the Estill Voice Print™ online learning tool
  • Produce a variety of character voices for plays, voiceovers, and film
  • Confidently handle acoustically difficult spaces and the challenges of using your voice during illness
  • Practice using clear and specific exercises which strengthen your voice while addressing your vocal “problems” and challenges
  • Learn practical and scientifically proven tools to develop your voice
  • Work on your singing and speaking voice with joy, knowledge, and a well-founded belief that if you practice, you will improve.
  • Feel confident about your voice

How Estill Voice Training Works:

Estill Voice Training teaches voice use through sensory feedback and scientific understanding. Its’ effective tools reveal the expressive flexibility and beauty of your voice. Estill Voice Training’s innovative Figures for Voice™ provide new expressive options that you can use for spoken character voices and all styles of singing.

Estill Can Be Studied in 2 Formats:

Private Lessons

Individual attention on vocal issues or repertoire addresses your vocal wish list and gives you Estill skills that address your specific interests and needs.

Group Classes

Jo Estill invented EVT to teach voice to groups. Group and partner exercises, eye-opening lectures about how the voice works, engaging discussions, practice with the Estill Voice Print™ program, and individual vocal coaching actively involve everyone in the process of taking their voice to the next level.
“As a voice and speech specialist, (Diane Gaary)… is, without question, a superior artist and practitioner, a consummate professional and a creative innovator in her field. I know from first-hand experience that she is extremely capable of bringing out the finest work from her students. She is an inspiring coach and teacher, taking special care to develop a personal and trusting bond with her students, assuring them that they will have access to her throughout a project or class but not coddling or pampering them. Diane knows how to methodically raise the bar and coax her subjects into applying their best efforts to the work at hand.”
Doug Wager
Artistic Director Temple University Theaters / former Artistic Director of Arena Stage, Washington, DC
“Diane's instruction has enabled me to overcome serious vocal dysfunction… I find not only my singing much improved, but my whole approach to life.”
Pamela H. Pilch
Soprano, B.A., J.D., M.M.
“Diane’s masterful understanding of the interconnected physiological and psychological components of singing is, in my experience, unparalleled.”
Harold Evans
former Conductor with Des Moines Metro Opera, Virginia Opera, and Virginia Symphony; Adjunct Assistant Professor of Voice at Westminster Choir College